Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

vegetable recipes kale (sayur kangkung klungkung)

100 gr Kangkung take part shoots and leaves
50 g Spinach take shoots and leaves.
75 g green beans cut into 3 cm apart was not until the end.
100 g bean sprouts, remove the roots.

50 g long beans cut into 3 cm
50 g Winged oblique cut 1 cm

Coconut Sambal Seasoning:

Coconuts 0.5 points
5 cloves shallots
3 cloves garlic
3 red peppers
3 small chilies (can be added if liked spicy)
Paste to taste
3 cm Kencur
1 cm galangal

All seasoning mashed.

Koples sambal (chili sauce diluted):

5 pieces of small chili
Paste to taste
Salt to taste
50 g Peanut
1 piece Orange Limo
Coconut oil to taste

Making way:

Coconut Sambal made ​​as follows:

Coconut grated lengthwise, fried (fried without oil).

Other ingredients mashed. Materials that have been mashed mixed with grated coconut.

Koples sambal (chili sauce diluted) is made as follows:

Grilled shrimp and fried peanuts.

Complex materials coupled with shrimp paste chili sauce and peanuts and crushed entirely. Furthermore, it added spice with a little coconut oil, orange limo and a little water to mix seasonings into a thin consistency.

Boil each vegetable separately serombotan ingredients until cooked, remove and drain. Furthermore, given a coconut sauce and chili sauce to taste koples, continues to be mixed and stirred. Serombotan ready to serve with rice

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