Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

How To Increase TOEFL Score

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
The Test Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL, pronounced "toe-full", or sometimes just "toffle") evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and understand Standard American English at a college level. This is required for non-native applicants at many American and English-speaking colleges and universities. That's why each year, hundreds of thousands of international students come to the US to pursue their academic studies. Because their English is nonnative language, these students are required to demonstrate competency in listening, grammar, reading, and writing by taking the TOEFL test.

TOEFL score is valid for 2 years, and then is deleted from the official database.
The TOEFL was first administered 1964 and has since been taken by nearly 20 million students. It is administered worldwide by Educational Testing Service (ETS).

Students must improve their English language skills to achieve a higher score on the TOEFL. The CESL intensive English program helps students improve all their English language skills for the TOEFL.

The best way for getting a higher score on the TOEFL is to increase your English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Consider, there are many opportunities to improve your skills at CESL

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