Jumat, 18 Februari 2011


1. Mr Harris has thaught Eglish at this school for five years

2. I have writen three or four letter to that company

3. The students in this class have done those two lessons already

4. I have known Professor Moore for more than twelve years

5. Richard has taken three courses in English at this school

6. These steps are dangerous. I have fallen on them several times

7. Mr Kramer has been in the United States for three years

8. The Janitor has shut the back door

9. The students have red all of the stories in that book.

10. Majrorie has choosen a pretty dress for the party

11. I have spoken to my boss about the problem several times

12. That tree have growen at least five feet since last year

13. Miss King has spent over eighteen hundred dollars since May

14. Mr. and Mrs Smith have bought a new house in North Plains

15. The real estate agent have selt the Smith old house

16. Charles has had a bad cold for a whole week

17. I am sorry, I have forgotten the name of that book

18. We hear that new song several time

19. Mr Wilson isnt here. He has gone out of town for the weekend

20. Mr Kennedy has wear his blue sit to the office only twice

21. I have sit in this same seat since the first day of classe

22. The money isnt in drawer. Someone have steal it

23. Up to now, I have understood every lesson in that book

24. We have had absolutly no trouble with our car so far

25. No one find that girls purse and gloves yet

26. The weather have been very warm ever since last Thrusday

27. Mr Anderson and Mr Brown have had lunch already

28. I have seen the empire state buliding hundreds times

29. We have spoken to the director and given him the message

30. Grandmother never fly in the airplane before

31. You tear your shirt ! There’s a hole in the left sleeve

32. I have read the costumer letter and writen a reply to him

Invinitive a Past Tense a Past Participle = Makna

1. Creep a crept a crept : merangkak
2. Catch a caught a caught : menangkap
3. Chide a chid a chidden : memarahi
4. Choose a chose a chosen : memilih
5. Buy a bought a bought : membeli
6. Burst a burst a burst : meledak
7. Build a built a built : membangun
8. Bring a bought a bought : membawa
9. Break a broke a broken : merusak
10. Blow a blew a blown : meniup
11. Blend a blent a blent : mencampur
12. Bite a bit a bitten : menggigit
13. Begird a begirt a begirt : menyabuki
14. Deal a dealt a dealt : berkaitan
15. Dig a dug a dug : menggali
16. Do a did a done : melakukan
17. Draw a drew a drawn : menggambar
18. Drink a drank a drunk : minum
19. Drive a drove a driven : mengemudi
20. Fall a fell a fallen : jatuh
21. Fight a fought a fought : memerangi
22. Fell a felt a felt : merasa
23. Find a found a found : menemukan
24. Flee a fled a fled : melarikan diri
25. Fling a flung a flung : melempar
26. Fly a flew a flown : terbang
27. Freeze a froze a frozen : membeku
28. Forsake a forsook a forsaken : melalaikan
29. Forgive a forgave a forgiven : memaafkan
30. Forbear a forbore a forborne : menjauhkan
31. Get a got a got : mendapat
32. Gild a gilt a gilt : menyepuh
33. Gird a girt a girt : mengikat
34. Give a gave a given : memberi
35. Grind a ground a ground : mengasah
36. Grow a grew a grown : tumbuh
37. Hear a heard a heard : mendengar
38. Hide a hid a hidden : menyembunyikan
39. Inlay a inlaid a inlaid : menatah
40. Keep a kept a kept : menjaga
41. Know a knew a known : mengetahui
42. Lay a laid a laid : menaruh
43. Lead a led a led : memimpin
44. Leave a left a left : meninggalkan
45. Lend a lent a lent : meminjamkan
46. Lie a lay a lain : berbaring
47. Make a made a made : membuat
48. Mean a meant meant : berarti
49. Meet a met a met : bertemu
50. Ring a rang a rung : berdering

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

bahasa inggris bisnis

In the Office and On your Desk

In the Office

1. Uang : money
2. Penghapus : Eraser
3. Cd : Compact Disc
4. Double tip : Double tip
5. korek api : Cigarette lighter
6. Rokok : Cigarette
7. Lakban : Cellophane tape
8. Spidol : Felt-tip maker
9. Staples : Staples
10. Stabillo : Stabillo
11. Handphone : Cellphone, mobile
12. Charger : Mobile
13. Meja : table
14. Kursi : Chair
15. Lemari : cupboard
16. Pulpen : pen
17. Kotak pulpen : penbox
18. Tong sampah : blanket
19. Pensil : pencil
20. Penserut : shavings
21. Kalkulator : calculator
22. Buku tulis : Writebook
23. Peta : Map
24. Binder : File
25. Obat : Medicine
26. Lem : Glue
27. Kamus : Dictionary
28. Buku catatan : Notebook
29. Komputer : Computer
30. Printer : Printer
31. Mouse : Mouse
32. PC : Personal Computer
33. Monitor : Monitor
34. Faks : Fax machine
35. Jam : Hour, o’clock
36. Jam tangan :handclock
37. Kalender : calendar
38. Saklar listrik : electric switch
39. Kabel : cable
40. Salon : Sound speaker
41. Jaringan lan : LAN Network
42. Modem : Modem
43. Gunting : scissors
44. Kertas : Paper
45. Koran : Newspaper
46. Majalah : Magazine
47. Kuter : Cutter
48. Plastik : Plastik
49. Sampah : Trash
50. Flashdisk : Flashdisk

On Your desk

1. Gunting : Scissor

2. Gunting kuku : Nail Scissor
3. Spidol : Felt-tip maker
4. Kartu remi : Playing card
5. Uang : Money
6. Stabilo : Stabillo
7. Korek : Cigarette Lighter
8. Rokok : Cigarette
9. Jam tangan : Handclock
10. Lilin : Candle
11. Kartu nama : Name Card
12. Cd : Compact disc
13. Antena : Antenna
14. Tv tunner : Tunner Television
15. Makalah : Working Paper
16. Flashdisk : Flashdisk
17. Charger : Charger
18. Kabel : Cable
19. Selotip : Sellotape
20. Lem : Glue
21. Obat batuk : Cough medicine
22. Handphone : Cellphone
23. Pulpen : Pen
24. Buku : Book
25. Modem : Modem
26. Komputer : Komputer
27. Kamus : Dictionary
28. Brosur : Brosure
29. Majalah : Magazine
30. Koran : Newspaper

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